

Restore mind and body
An integral component of the overall training process is helping you restore your body and mind. These processes ultimately facilitate enhanced performance and injury prevention.

What We Offer

Physical Therapy

Optimize your body’s performance with targeted physical therapy sessions. Dr Brian Paxton works with you to address any physical challenges, speed up recovery from injuries, and support your overall well-being to maintain peak form on and off the golf course.
More about Dr. Brian Paxton

Massage Therapy

Restore and rejuvenate with our specialized massage therapy sessions, designed specifically for golfers. Reduce muscle tension, improve flexibility, and accelerate recovery time to keep you feeling at your best during and after play.

Contrast Therapy

Boost recovery and reduce inflammation with contrast therapy. Alternating between hot and cold therapies, this technique helps alleviate soreness, increase circulation, and prepares your body for the demands of the game.

Wellness Classes

Support your body and mind with wellness classes, including yoga, meditation, and mobility sessions. These classes are designed to enhance your overall fitness, improve mental clarity, and contribute to sustained performance on the course.

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